Stormy sky- a work in progress 30x20” oil painting
I have a renewed interest in trying to simplify the elements in my paintings. By that I mean not getting lost in the details. In this new...
Stormy sky- a work in progress 30x20” oil painting
Commission sketches help firm up ideas in the clients mind...and most importantly, yours.
A new one in progress!
Winter work.
“United 4” Watercolor
Core Banks Kitchen #3
Happy New Year!
Sketchbooks and sketching
A Few Thoughts
Back from Work/vaca!
Wind Swell
Thursday Wave
NC United- Curious Jim’s
Shrimp for Dinner! And a sketch to boot!
The day’s experiment
Curious Jim’s?
Another post hot from the studio!
A test- First post from the phone!
Home is where the art is!
Searching for Me. Warning: Artistspeak below:)