Here we are, two weeks back from vacation, and I’ve been back in the studio desperately trying to finish a few commissions. It took most of last week to get back into the flow of studio life, and then got back to business this past week, working to resolve unfinished work. I did get inspiration from not only Nags Head, but in the week following here back at home. Hurricane Teddy threw some impressive surf into Atlantic Beach, with strong offshore winds. I started two pieces in oil, one 24x48” and the other 36x48” - they are a more pulled back view than my normal waves, and I’m looking for a path of light through them both. I like having the jetty in there too!

These are both limited in the palette, but more than usual... I think 5ish, with the additions being alizarin permanent and cad orange Together with my usual cad yellow, cad red and ultramarine blue.
Something else that has been rolling around in my mind is where I would like to focus my attention next. It is continuing to limit materials in order to get down to a point where the true artist’s self emerges. There is no hiding the path from eye, to brain, to hand, when you are doing contour drawing and splashing watercolor! I‘ve found the most joy in doing my sketchbook work in Nags Head, and a couple times last week, out with my sketchbook. I’m finding joy in prowling the house for sketch views. There is something about the line and wash that can display your immediate impression, without self consciousness! These can be as long or short as you want, and most of my sketches are in the 10 minute and under range. There are a few that go up to an hour, but I really feel that first impression, no matter how rough and skewed, holds something of merit. I think a real dive into sketch work is coming over the next months. How much is ever shown isn’t the real goal, it is my own artistic growth and a cataloging of immediate impressions that will be the reward. I do believe some are quite beautiful and am looking for a way to present some as “finished” pieces. We will see! Have a great week!